Your Own School Graduation Stamp III – Satchel

115 HUF

ITEM NO: 2007046010031-

"On the sheet eight alternating stamp designs follow one another, showing a traditional school graduation scene of graduands parading in single file round the school with their hand placed on the shoulder of the person in front. "

Type postage stamp
Short description The stamps can be used for approaching school graduation ceremonies either when sending letters of invitation or as a special memory of the day.
Printing Office Pénzjegynyomda
Issue year 2007
Issue time 2010.04.15 11:46:33
Perforation Sizer 36,25 x25,2 mm
Cutting size 297 x 210 mm
Theme Your Own Stamp,youth,event
Designer Barnabás Baticz
Stamped/Uncanceled mint