Olympic history - Rome Olympics, 1960

500 HUF

ITEM NO: 2010220030011-

At the 17th Summer Olympics held in Rome between 25 August and 11 September 1960 over five thousand competitors from 83 coun-tries took part. Stunning historic surroundings provided the back-drop for the competitions. The gymnasts competed in the Baths of Caracalla built around 200 BC, the wrestlers in the Basilica of Max-entius and the finish in the marathon was the Arch of Constantine. Rome had won the right to host the Olympics earlier in the history of the games. However, it was forced to abandon the right to stage the 1908 Summer Olympics in favour of London due to the restora-tion of the damage caused by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. (Source: hu.wikipedia.org) Olympic champions: Rudolf Kárpáti (fencing, sabre individual) , Ferenc Németh (modern pentathlon, individual) , János Parti (kayak-canoe C-1 1000 m) , Gyula Török (boxing, flyweight) , Gábor Delneky, Aladár Gerevich, Zoltán Horváth, Rudolf Kárpáti, Pál Kovács, Tamás Mendelényi (sabre team) , András Balczó, Imre Nagy, Ferenc Németh (modern pentathlon team) Silver medallists: Zoltán Horváth (fencing, sabre individual) , Imre Nagy (modern pentathlon, individual) , Imre Polyák (Greco-Roman wrestling, featherweight) , Imre Szöllősi (kayak-canoe, K-1 1000 m) , Gyula Zsivótzky (hammer throwing) , György Mészáros, András Szente (kayak double 1000 m) , Imre Szöllősi, Imre Kemecsey, András Szente, György Mészáros (kayak 4 x 500 m relay) , Katalin Juhász, Magdolna Nyári Kovács, Lídia Dömölky Sákovics, Györgyi Marvalics Székely, Ildikó Rejtő (foil team) Bronze medallists: Gergely Kulcsár (javelin) , István Rózsavölgyi (1500 m men) , Győző Veres (weightlifting, welterweight) , Klára Bánfalvi Fried, Vilma Egresi (kayak double 500 m) , Imre Farkas, András Törő (canoe double 1000 m) , Flórián Albert, Jenő Dalnoki, Zoltán Dudás, János I. Dunai, Lajos Faragó, János Göröcs, Ferenc Kovács III, Dezső Novák, Pál Orosz, Tibor Pál, Gyula Rákosi, Imre Sátori, Ernő Solymosi, Gábor Török, Pál Várhidi, Oszkár Vilezsál (football team ) , András Bodnár, Ottó Boros, Zoltán Dömötör, László Felkai, Dezső Gyarmati, István Hevesi, László Jeney, Tivadar Kanizsa, Dr György Kárpáti, András Katona, János Konrád, Kálmán Markovits, Mihály Mayer, Péter Rusorán (water polo team) The design of the numbered block’s stamp shows a portrait of Rudolf Kárpáti and in the surrounding frame there are the Hungarian sportsmen and -women who won gold medals in Rome. The composition is completed by the logo of the Rome Olympics on the right. A special feature of the jubilee block is that the inscription “Rome 1960” on the stamp and the names of the gold, silver and bronze medal winners and their disciplines on the frame are visible under UV light. The numbering, which fluoresces under UV light, is at the top right. The names of the medallists are on the first day cover and the main motif of the postmark is a stylised drawing of the Colosseum. The issue of the stamp block was made possible by the co-operation of the Hungarian Olympic Committee and the photographs for the graphic design were provided by the Archives of the Hungarian Museum of Sport.

Type special stamp block
Printing Office Pénzjegynyomda
Issue year 2010
Issue time 2010.12.17 10:22:20
Perforation Sizer 30x40 mm
Cutting size 100 x 70 mm
Stamp Circulation 60000
Theme anniversary,sport,youth,event
Designer György Kara
Stamped/Uncanceled mint