Count Gyula Andrássy the Younger was born 150 years ago

140 HUF

ITEM NO: 2010003090011-

"Count Gyula Andrássy the Younger (born Tőketerebes (today Trebišov, Slovakia), 30.06.1860 – Budapest, 11.06.1929) was a Hungarian politician, minister of interior, author of articles on law, party chief, the last Austro-Hungarian foreign minister and the son of prime minister Gyula Andrássy. After his father became the foreign minister of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1871 the family moved to live in Vienna. The career of the younger Gyula Andrássy also started in the field of foreign affairs: in 1883 his father recommended him to a post in the embassy in Constantinople, then in 1884 – after passing his examination in diplomacy – he became embassy attaché in Berlin. In 1886 he gave up his diplomatic career and joined domestic politics as a member of the Liberal Party. In the first Wekerle government he was minister in attendance to the king for six months. For a short time in 1898 and again in 1904 he again left the Liberal Party and joined the opposition. Following the elections in 1905 with his colleagues he founded and became leader of the Constitution Party. In the second Wekerle government he held the post of minister of interior for nearly four years. After his resignation he dissolved his party and as an independent he became one of the leaders of the parliamentary opposition to the István Tisza government. Between 24-30.10.1918 he was the last joint foreign minister of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. In 1920 he was elected as member of parliament and in 1921 he undertook the post of chairman of the Christian National Party. He participated in the second royal coup d’état on the side of king Charles IV. Until his death he challenged the Bethlen government from the side of the Legitimists. (Source: The artist depicted Count Gyula Andrássy the Younger on the picture side of the postcard on the basis of a photograph originating from around 1910, while the stamp picture is based on a photograph originating from a later period when he was foreign minister. The graphic of the special cancellation stamp includes a text documenting the anniversary."

Type mint special postcard
Short description Magyar Posta commemorates the 150th anniversary of the birth of Count Gyula Andrássy the Younger with the issue of a special postcard.
Printing Office Állami Nyomda
Issue year 2010
Issue time 2010. július 2.
Stamp Circulation 5000
Theme anniversary
Designer Barnabás Baticz
Stamped/Uncanceled mint